
Monday, November 13, 2006

Thoughts for the day

A person who is single  can never be as good at conflict resolution as a married person.

Married people are used to dealing with situations where they are misunderstood, misquoted, and generally thought of as the enemy. Single people are not used to this; and when it happens, they get upset quite easily.

And then, to go a step further, there are children. Married people with children deal with conflict on many levels; too many to mention. You fight with your kids. You fight with your spouse. You fight with your spouse about your kids. You fight with one kid about the kid's sibling. You fight about in-laws. And so on.

When people at work misunderstand me, I'm used to it; I have to explain my actions a dozen times a day at home -- in words a two-year-old can understand. Literally -- I have a two-year-old daughter.

If you're a single person, and people at work misunderstand you, you wonder why they are being so dense; is it that they are stupid, or just hate you? A married person inherently understands that the other people are neither stupid nor hateful; they just don't understand your point.

What was I thinking about?

There was another issue on my mind this morning (hence the title for this post is plural), but I can't remember that other topic right now.

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