
Wednesday, November 26, 2003

Thanksgiving Musings

Hi all,

Long time no blog. It's the day before Thanksgiving, and I was just wondering, do you think the All-you-can-eat places suffer today? I mean, all of us Americans are getting ready to pig out tomorrow; basically just stuff ourselves full of turkey and the trimmings and pumpkin pie and all the other stuff and then sit around all day and watch football and talk/argue with the relatives. So, how many of us -- other than Homer Simpson -- can get up for a big meal today, on the eve of our collective planned gorging?

I realize this is a totally American thing, and is probably fairly disturbing to the rest of the world -- especially where people don't get enough to eat and where there are people starving. But I am unashamedly American -- at least on Thanksgiving, which is my favorite holiday. Not so much because of all the food, but rather because it's a great family holiday; if you have a family, you see them on Thanksgiving if no other day during the year.

Also, I love the shopping excess that kicks off the Christmas season in the malls this Friday. I love to go and wander the crowds, not so much shopping as getting in the way of other shoppers.

And finally, Thanksgiving is great because it's just about the only holiday that can be celebrated by all Americans. The only other one is July 4th, and there we're celebrating, at least marginally, the war victory over the British. At Thanksgiving, the only losers are the turkeys. But unless you're an American Indian, all other Americans can truly get behind this holiday, and celebrate together, regardless of race, religion, or any of the other differences that separate us the rest of the year.

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